Monday, November 18, 2013


For the past few years, I’ve made a habit out of asking pretty much everyone I meet (professionally) the same question. “What is your #1 issue or challenge that – if you could just solve it – would take your business to an entirely different level ?”
Surprisingly often (like, 6–7 in 10), the answer that comes back is: “if I could only figure out how to generate leads, I’m good.” Most salespeople, consultants, coaches, auditors and other advisors I know feel that if they can only get enough leads to sit down with and have a conversation, they’ll be able to convey the value of what they can deliver to their prospect.
Problem is, most of us aren’t very good at generating leads. Most of us don’t approach lead generation as a process. And most of fly by the seat of our pants when we’re trying to figure out how to generate leads for our firm or practice.

And then I heard about Aaron Ross. Kaizen-meets-lead-generation.

He literally wrote the book on lead generation (Aaron is the best-selling author of “Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into A Sales Machine“). Before doing that, he created a revolutionary Cold Calling 2.0 inside sales process and team that helped increase’s revenues by $100 million.
In short, when it comes to figuring out how to generate leads, Aaron’s the man.

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